Wednesday, September 02, 2009

i-Semantics 2009 in Graz (Day 01)

Although already having been at the PC of i-Semantics some years ago, this year it's the very first time for me being in Graz. We've already arrived yesterday and spent an beautiful day with sight seeing in the baroque historic section of the town (including the Schlossberg with 260 steps in the midday sun).

The conference is starting right now with greetings by Hermann Maurer (TU Graz) and Klaus Tochtermann (Know-Center, TU Graz). I will report about all upcoming the conference highlights...

Keynote 01,
Paolo Traverso: Towards a future Internet of Services and Content
Pointing out differences between real worl services and software services (duration, accessibility, time contraints, etc.) towards the proposition of a 'Future Internet', where research is focussed on modeling, compositing, and monitoring real world services...

Social Semantic Web Track,
Liana Razmerita: Towards a New Generation of Social Networks: Merging Social Web with Semantic Web
Conclusion: Semantic Web Technologies will enable the development of a new generation of social networking applications...nothing new up to now..

Web 2.0 und Neue Medien Track,
Watraud Wiedermann (APA Defactor): Semantische Suche in Medienarchiven
Demonstration of search application on newspapers, deploying synonym search and search for significant co-occurrences.

Knowledge Visualization Track,
Sven Havemann (TU Graz): Patterns of shape Design
Raising the question 'What's the point on semantic enrichment of images?' One of the problems in computer graphics is that different communities use slightly different vocabularies with inherent ambiguities. Furthermore, there is also a 'semantic gap' in the way that (correct) CG-algorithms often do not deliver the expected result, due to the lack of a proper vocabulary. This leads Haveman to the development of a conceptual reference model (like CIDOC-CRM) for shapes.

Innovative Funktionen für E-Learning Track,
Viktoria Pammer (TU Graz): Intelligente Ad-hoc Erstellung von Lerninhalten mit semantischen Technologien
Presentation of the APOSDLE system that proposes learning material to the learner according to his current skills and needs. Seems to be an Intranet (non web based) system...

...and now on for some espresso and sone 'real Austrian' cake and pastries ;-)

Corporate Semantic Web Track,
Fan Bai (Uni Duisburg/Essen): Exchanging Knowledge in Concise Bounded Descriptions. An Approach to Support Collaborative Ontology Development in an Distributed Environment
Interesting variant of versioning of ontologies (for distributed ontology development). Using simple cvs is not suitable, simply because most ontologies simply consist out of one huge file...

Usage and Case-Studies Track,
Sanja Vranes: Maturity and Applicability Assessment of Semantic Web Technologies

ok...ready for 'Guided Tour from Conference Venue to Welcome Receiption' at Kunsthaus Graz

[see you again tomorrow...]