First Day starts with several Tutorials and a Workshop. I have chosen the "Evaluation of Semantic Technologies" workshop for the morning. I cam a little bit late, thus the first presentation I fully attended was Ulrich Küster's ''evaluation of Semantic Web Service technology", which is not exactly my research topic. Interesting was the discussion whether a binary measurement for ranking results of service matching is appropriate or not (it's not...).
In the following presentation, Jerome Euzenat is talking about 'Ontology matching Evaluation". This topic for me is much more interesting (although not being my research topic).
Unfortunately the internet connection was so bad at ESWC 2009 that 'Live Blogging' was almost not possible. Sorry for that! But, at last I switched to twitter to give some 'live' updates. Just search for the hashtag #eswc2009 at twitter to get a timeline of tweets related to the conference program of ESWC 2009.
Chris Bizer from FU Berlin is the last presenter in the tutorial with a talk about 'Evaluation of Semantic Storage Systems'.